Texas Guitar Company Rentals

Texas Guitar Company, in conjunction with LIVEMIX Audio, an audio and lighting rental contractor, is proud to offer high-quality sound and lighting equipment for various events and occasions. TGC now offers a wide range of audio and lighting equipment available for rent, including microphones, speakers, mixers, lighting fixtures, and more. Should you need professional services, LIVEMIX Audio can work with event planners, organizers, and individuals to help create the perfect ambiance and atmosphere for any event, whether it's a wedding, concert, corporate event, or any other type of gathering. Their expertise and equipment can transform any space into a stunning visual and auditory experience that leaves a lasting impression on attendees.


Select your pickup and return dates: Look for the option to choose the dates for pickup and return. Click on the corresponding fields or calendar icons to select the desired dates. Make sure to consider the duration you'll need the rental items. Browse available products: Explore the rental catalog or search for specific items you need. The products may be categorized or listed with search filters to help you find what you're looking for easily. Add items to your cart: Once you find a product you want to rent, click on it to view more details. Check the availability for your chosen dates and select the quantity if applicable. Look for an "Add to Cart" or similar button and click it to add the item to your cart. Continue shopping: If you need additional products, go back to browsing and repeat the previous step until you have added all the desired items to your cart. Review your cart: Access your cart to see the list of selected items. Ensure that the quantities, rental period, and prices are correct. You may have the option to remove items or update quantities from the cart page. Proceed to checkout: Once you have confirmed your cart, click on the "Checkout" or similar button to proceed to the checkout process. Provide required information: Enter the necessary information, including your billing address, contact details, and any additional details requested by the rental service. Select payment method: Choose your preferred payment method from the available options. It could be a credit/debit card, PayPal, or other accepted methods. Enter the required payment details and ensure they are accurate. Review and submit your order: Before finalizing the rental, review your order summary, including the pickup and return dates, rental items, quantities, and total cost. If everything looks correct, submit your order. Confirmation and pickup details: After submitting your order, you should receive a confirmation message or email with the details of your rental, including the pickup location and any specific instructions. Make sure to save or note down this information. That's it! You have successfully selected your pickup and return dates, added products to your cart, and checked out for your rental. Remember to pick up the items on the designated date and return them on time to avoid any additional charges or penalties.